Top Web Development Projects

Let’s explore the top 20 web development projects and ideas.

Beginner Projects

One-Page Layout or design

How about building an attractive one-page responsive layout by using Simple HTML and CSS. Sounds great, right.

In Fact, this is the simplest web development project that you can start with. The conquer template can be used to build this project.

Source Code – One Page Layout
Skills Required – HTML, CSS, Responsive Layout.

Product Landing Page

Product Landing Page
Product Landing Page

You now know how to make a simple one-page layout, how about building a product landing page then as a second step??

But how does it differ from the above project? The answer is in a product landing page you will use columns and align the components of the landing page within columns. Basic editing tasks like cropping images and making use of design templates are also covered in this.

Source Code – Landing Page
Skills Required – CSS, Image editing.

Netflix Home Page Clone

Let’s master our CSS skills a little more by making a Netflix home page clone using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript This will not only help you to master your skills, in addition, you will also learn about Positioning, CSS Grids as well.

You will also get a feel as to how developers work when they are given a design and they are to make an exact copy of it.

Source Code – Netflix Clone
Skills Required – CSS Grid, Styling Tables, Tabs with JavaScript, Positioning